Electrical infrastructure

Contract Staffing

We specialize in technical hiring solutions

Sourcing talent isn’t easy these days. Maybe you know who you want to hire. Maybe you don’t. Either way, let us do the hard part: screening, sourcing, training, and hiring. LHB Technical Staffing supports clients with unique contract staffing needs by leveraging our connections and knowledge to find the right talent for every job. Our embedded staff, working alongside clients and supported by LHB, provide a firm foundation for project success. How can we help you succeed?

Who We Serve

Our clients include dozens of top-performing companies engaged in technical services, including:

• Enbridge
• Minnesota Power
• Sappi
• ST Paper (formerly Verso)
• Minnesota Department of Transportation

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Who We Hire

Got skills? LHB Technical Staffing has successfully placed dozens of individuals with wide-ranging backgrounds. In-demand positions include:

• Project managers
• Electrical engineers
• Mechanical engineers
• Civil engineers
• Structural engineers
• And more!

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Our top markets

Our work spans many industries, but we’ve placed staff at companies that serve such markets as:

• Power & Utility Infrastructure
• Mining & Heavy Manufacturing
• Pulp & Paper
• Oil & Gas
• Transportation
• Many more!